Board of Directors Nomination Form

Please complete as much of this form as possible.

Applicant/Nominee's Name(Required)
Street Address

If this form represents a nomination by someone other than the nominee, please enter your information below.
Nominator's Name
Street Address

Skills, experience and interests. (Check all that apply)

What committee(s) are you/they best suited?

Board meetings are held every 5-6 weeks for up to 2 hours. Board members are expected to serve on 2 committees, with nominating as an automatic assignment for everyone. In addition, all Board members are asked to attend 2-3 special events throughout the year. Can you reasonably commit this amount of time?

Why do you recommend this person for consideration? How has this candidate demonstrated their interest and ability to serve on the Board?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Board Member Expectation Statement

General Expectations
  • Make a commitment to serve actively on the Board for the full term of 3 years (with a max of 2 consecutive terms, total of 6 years consecutive service).
  • Support and help implement the Brigade’s mission, purposes, goals, policies and programs.
  • Suggest possible nominees to the Board who can make significant contributions to the future of the Brigade.
  • Serve actively on at least 2 committees.
  • Provide input and feedback to the Executive Director.
  • Attend activities and events sponsored by the Brigade whenever possible.
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of all Board and committee meetings.
  • Support the organization in a manner consistent with the governance model and bylaws.
  • The Board normally holds nine (9) in-person meetings per year.
  • Prepare for and participate in Board and committee meetings.
  • Suggest agenda items for Board and committee meetings consistent with the governance model and bylaws.
  • Maintain confidence in regard to proprietary information.
Avoiding Conflicts
  • Serve the Brigade as a whole rather than any special interest group or constituency.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest, and proactively disclose any possible conflicts in a timely fashion.
Fiduciary Responsibility
  • Review and approve the annual budget.
  • Review monthly financial statements.
  • Make an annual unrestricted gift to the Brigade proportional to personal means.
  • Support the Brigade resource development plan by leveraging relationships.
  • Participate where possible in Brigade fundraising events, programs and activities.