Odyssey Rock Climbing
April 18 at 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
We heard Neenah is off school on April 18th, so we rescheduled our thrilling adventure to the Odyssey Climbing Gym in Green Bay!
Picture this:
- 47′ tall, roped climbing walls
- 120 linear feet of bouldering walls
- 2 hours of climbing time
Whether this will be your first time rock climbing, or you’re already well experienced, there is something for everyone!
We will be renting climbing gear at Odyssey. Please have your child pack a water bottle and snacks. You may also want to pack a nonperishable sack lunch for the van ride home.
Drop-off at Brigade: 8:00 AM
Depart Brigade: 8:05 AM
Arrive at Odyssey: 8:45 AM
Climbing time: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Depart Odyssey: Approx. 11:15 AM
Return to Brigade: Approx. 12:00 PM